Is there any significance in the name "Iron Bridge"?
Defined: Iron is the most important of all metals - important in the sense that iron is overwhelmingly the most commonly used metal, accounting for 95 percent of worldwide metal production. Iron is used to manufacture steel and other alloys important in construction and manufacturing. Iron is also vital in the functioning of living organisms, transporting oxygen in blood via the hemoglobin molecule.
Local: Decorative ironwork may be seen all around the city of Charleston in balconies, gates, stair railings, vents, boot scrapes, and decorative panels and finials. The city's ironwork is undeniably one of its greatest architectural treasures.
Our Interpretation: Iron occurs in nature, just like you. Its a foundational element for life as well as the structure and strength behind things that we use in our every day life. With a little coaching and guidance, as iron is forged, you will understand what it takes to incorporate strength and structure in your life at an elemental level.
Defined: A bridge is a structure built to span physical obstacles for the purpose of providing passage over the obstacle. Designs of bridges vary depending on the function of the bridge, the nature of the terrain where the bridge is constructed, the material used to make it.
Local: Charleston's bridges are icons of the city and Charleston has 50+ bridges. I don't know if its possible to go a day without crossing one.
Our Interpretation: What ever obstacle you are facing you need a mechanism to overcome that. An obstacle may be challenge in your life or a goal that will improve your life. We intend to help you find, build and cross the obstacles and goals you define for yourself.