Do CrossFitters have their own language?
IBCF-IRON BRIDGE CrossFit Box-a CrossFit gym
WOD - Workout of the day AMRAP - as many rounds/reps as possible (in a given amount of time we give you, example; 12 min AMRAP) KBS-kettlebell swing OHS-overhead squat SDHP-sumo deadlift high pull HSPU- handstand push up TTB or T2B- Toes to bar KTE or K2E-Knees to elbows G2OH-ground to overhead DL-deadlift GHD-glute ham developer AB MAT-sit ups using mat BS-Back squat FS-Front squat BJ-box jump RD-ring dips MU-muscle ups PR-personal record RX-completing a WOD as prescribed (using the posted weight and reps) DNF-did not finish BB, RB, GB-blue band, red band, green band WL-walking lunges KPU-kipping pull up C&J-clean and jerk TGU-turkish Get-up RM-Repetition Maximum (ex. 1RM-one rep max)