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Gym News and Updates

Build strength and skill for a Muscle Up - MU Progression

3 sessions per week, repeated weekly, as many weeks as it takes!

Session 1

max reps strict pull ups (hollow)

chin up max effort hold

eccentric pull-up 3x3 as slow as possible

2 sets max reps floor buff pushup - down right,left,forward, back up = 1

Session 2

max rep chest to bar

2 sets max reps ring pull-ups (false grip)

ring complex 3x3 - down right arm out, left arm out, up, right arm out and down, left arm out and down

box transitions 2 sets max reps

Session 3

max reps chest to ring (false grip)

2 sets max reps ring dips (hollow)

max effort ring hold at top (hollow rings out)

2 sets max reps ring transitions

Test / Re-Test

Stage 1 - Strict MU toes on ground (move rings higher to progress)

Stage 2 - Strict MU jump start (move rings higher to progress)

Stage 3 - Strict MU

Stage 4 - Kipping MU

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