Strength Tiers Defined (White,Black,Red)
White - Stability / Mobility - Wellness
What and who is this tier for?
Any new athlete to our gym. For new folks this tier must be executed for at least 8 weeks and up to 1+ year prior to moving into the next tier.
Each rep, even the last few must be done with control such that the duration of the eccentric phase of the lift is longer than the concentric phase. This includes the final reps as the athlete gets tired. Each rep should meet the minimum range of motion requirements as defined by the standard of the lift.
Programing will be in a range of 3-5 sets with 5-8 reps per set. Weight increases will follow a linear progression.
Lowerbody - add 10lbs from last weeks last completed set
Upperbody - add 5lbs from the previous weeks last completed set
Back Squat
Front Squat
Shoulder Press
Substitutions while the athlete is in this tier:
Push Press = Shoulder Press
Jerk = Press
Snatch (power or full) = DB muscle clean from floor to press
Clean = KBS
OHS - consider letting them work the OHS during the strength portion of the class, but using Front Squat to Push Press for the Conditioning
for other substitutions reference the IBCF Movement Tree
Pick weight that the athlete can perform at least 5, but no more than 10 reps. The coach needs to make the determination on that the qualitative observations listed have been met to a satisfactory level. If they complete less than 5 or over 10 reps the weight must be adjusted. The only reps that count are the ones where the athlete demonstrates no deviation in their movement when not loaded (meaning as they get tired in their squat it should NOT get more shallow. If it does the rep does not count)
Calculate the athletes projected 1RM. Their projected 1 RM should meet the following to move on to the next tier.
Black - Strength Building - CrossFit
What and who is this tier for?
Athletes who meet these minimum requirements and want to get strong.
Back Squat - 75% BW
Front Squat - 50% BW
Overhead Squat - 20% BW
Shoulder Press - 25% BW
Push Press - 35% BW
Hang Clean - 20% BW
Deadlift - 100% BW
5’s, 3’s and 1’s to build strength with prescribed percentages (Wendler). Assuming the athlete has gone through the stability / mobility phase they should safely be able to load. This heavy loading will will help us solidify connective tissue we started building with the Stability / Mobility phase. We’ll also increase posture and positional strength under load in preparation for the next phase where we introduce the element of acceleration.
Athletes specifically looking to “increase their 1RM” should use this style even if they can complete the minimum requirement for CA^ training.
Athletes in this tier can test their 1RM or 3RM in each movement. 3RMs can be used to project 1RMs for testing out of this tier.
RED - Acceleration - Athletics
Minimum Requirements for this Tier
Back Squat - 175% BW
Front Squat - 130% BW
Overhead Squat - 100% BW
Shoulder Press - 75% BW
Push Press - 100% BW
Jerk - 130% BW
Power Clean - 125% BW
Deadlift - 200% BW
Vertical Jump - 30in
400m Sprint - under 80s
Pullups - 12
What and who is this tier for?
Athletes looking to excel in a performance on the field. This includes Organized high-school and collegiate athletics as well as CrossFit competitive folks. This tier is a matter of preference for CrossFit competitors who are at the point of choosing their training. This will be the goal and programing for any of our non-CrossFit competitive athletes.
Loads wlll range from 55-85% of 1RM and Reps and sets will be determined using PRILEPHIN'S TABLE. The goal of EACH REP is to accelerate the bar as leverage in the lift improves. Move the bar as fast as possible during the concentric phase. This requires stable connective tissue as well as posture and position control. Change of direction from eccentric to concentric should be explosive. This aggressive change of direction adds risk to the movement so position and awareness of the athlete is key.
Percent Reps/Set Optimal Total Range
55 - 65 3 - 6 24 18 - 30
70 - 75 3 - 6 18 12 - 24
80 - 85 2 - 4 15 10 - 20
> 90 1 - 2 7 4 - 10