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Iron Bridge Athlete: Robin Bland

What was your fitness background and what brought you to Iron Bridge CrossFit?

I have always been active from dancing to competitive swimming then to tennis. I continued tennis throughout college by competing on the East Carolina Club tennis team. Go Pirates! I found CrossFit January 2014 where my gym back home opened up a box and of course I had to try it out. I have been in love with CrossFit ever since. When I moved to Charleston for law school the first thing I looked for was a box. After one class at Iron Bridge I was hooked with the friendly environment and passionate coaches.

How has CrossFit improved your life outside the gym?

There are no words to describe what CrossFit has done for me not just in the gym but outside of the gym. I have gained so much confidence, strength and patience. I am more conscious of what I eat and have found I have more energy throughout the day. CrossFit really had changed my life and I can't imagine my life without it.

What has been your favorite moment at IBCF?

Every time I master a new skill (rope climb, pull-ups), set at new PR (ringing that bell!), and just keep adding more weight. Also participating in my first competition at the Swampbox.

WODs and Movements - what are your favorites and what makes your palms sweat?

Some of my favorite movements are toes to rings and pull-ups (until I ripe). As weird as it sounds I enjoy the grinders over the fast past WODs. My least favorite WOD would have to be Fran.

One piece of advice for someone new to CrossFit

Don't get frustrated, have patience, and listen to the coaches. Nothing in CrossFit is easy and everything takes time. I should know, that dang squat is driving me crazy.

What keeps you going in a WOD when your mind is telling you to stop?

When the music gets turned up a bit more and the coaches and other athletes continue to motivate.

Anything else you'd like to add.

Iron Bridge has been amazing and I could not have completed my first year of law school with out this place. I have enjoyed every minute and have made some great friends in the process. For me its the best part of Charleston!

Must do in Charleston

Well, unfortunately I don't know much about Charleston accept for the law library and where the coffee shops are on King Street. So if you have a desire to look at law books or find coffee I'm your girl!

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