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Gym News and Updates

Iron Bridge Athlete: Kelly Fridey

What was your fitness background and what brought you to Iron Bridge CrossFit?

I tried pretty much every sport when I was little, but the only thing that stuck was dance. After college I stopped dancing and needed to find something to fill the void. I dont like going to the gym by myself and my fiance had been going to IBCF so I decided to give it a shot.

How has CrossFit improved your life inside and outside the gym?

I dont think I could have survived grad school without CrossFit. Its been a huge stress reliever and its nice to be able to put everything else aside for an hour every day. I have more energy and I feel stronger. Its awesome to be able to keep adding weight and I just got kipping pull-ups so Im pretty excited about that!

What has been your favorite moment at IBCF?

I dont think I can think of just one! Really I think my favorite thing at IBCF is the community. Ive met a ton of great people. Its really cool to see everyone cheer for each other from the first person to finish to the last. I also really enjoyed doing B3 and saw tons of improvement in strength. And Beth isnt bad to work out with either ;)

WODs and Movements - what are your favorites and what makes your palms sweat?

Favorites- Probably any gymnastics movement, like rope climbs. Hates- I really dont like running, I just dont enjoy it. And burpees.

One piece of advice for someone new to CrossFit

Ask questions!! All the coaches are awesome and super helpful, even if you think your question is dumb. Also dont ever say you cant do something (still working on that one). Its amazing what you can do if you just try.

What keeps you going in a WOD when your mind is telling you to stop?

Knowing that the WOD wont last forever and that I can tell myself at the end that I gave it all I got. If Im really struggling I give myself a 5 second break to breathe.

Anything else you'd like to add.

When I started CrossFit, I didnt think I would actually enjoy it as much as I do. Ive loved everything about IBCF and its going to be pretty hard to find a box that is just as great when I move in a few months!

Must do in Charleston

Anything outside- beaches, county parks, plantations. The Tea Plantation and Firefly distillery on Wadmalaw are pretty cool.

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