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Gym News and Updates

September B3 - Limited Slots Available

Hey all you past present and future B3' ers! Hope this finds you all with quads of steel and mountainous biceps! You have all made this program so much fun and effective and I wanted to inform you all of the next upcoming 6 week program!

I am adding on more class times, but still limiting the group size to a minimum and maximum of 4 people! These spots have been filling up fast, so don't wait! Please forward this on to friends that may also be interested!

Starting Monday Sept 14- Oct 23

Morning session: 7 am

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Evening Sessions: 5:30pm & 6:30 pm

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday

1 hour classes, 18 classes, 3 classes per week ( only $5/$10 per class! )

IBCF members: $95

IBCF non-member: $190

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