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Iron Bridge Athlete - Nathalie Delson

What was your fitness background and what brought you to Iron Bridge CrossFit?

I don't really have a fitness background other than karate when I was younger, but I never really connected with any sport or activity. That's why I joined Crossfit: to work out and get in shape.

How has CrossFit improved your life inside and outside the gym?

It made me a lot happier and confident in life, mostly because I am a stressed hormonal teenager and I need some sort of exercise to release my teen angst and I guess you could say...I lifted the weight off my shoulders...!(insert laugh track) Also I get a lot of compliments from my friends about what great arms and legs I have. That's always nice to hear. But of course that's not what's important. The point is that I work out to achieve, get fit, and SWEAT like I've never sweat before.

What has been your favorite moment at IBCF?

My personal favorite moment at Iron Bridge is when my family (mom, dad, sis) joined me in working out. It's nice to know that your family has your back, because I know I have theirs. I also like meeting new people and coaches that join. I love seeing people doing what they enjoy.

WODs and Movements - what are your favorites and what makes your palms sweat?

My favorite moves? Oh my. I have to say kettle bell swings are the BOMB! I love getting my arms worked up. I also love abmats. I need to start working harder on my Curtis Ps. Practice makes perfect, and I need to do what I have to do to gain the right form and the right movement.

One piece of advice for someone new to CrossFit

Listen up: Don't be afraid to ask the coaches a question! My first time crossfitting was a bit intimidating... I had no idea what was going on and what was happening. This is quite normal for a new athlete. And this is precisely what coaches are for: helping those who are unfamiliar with the movement! Your fellow team mates and coaches will help you and cheer you on. And they expect you to, as well. When you're finished with a WOD and you see your team mates still pushing to complete, you shout out: "KEEP GOING!" or "YOU CAN DO IT!" Support is everything. If they can do it, you can too.

What keeps you going in a WOD when your mind is telling you to stop?

To be honest with you, I really like when the music is blasting out rock songs. It helps me push myself and keep my mind in the game. It's great to hear songs that you know so that when you're at a point where you don't know if you can go on and your brain is shouting "Give up!" You can distract yourself from being tired and hum along to your favorite song that comes on. Ah, nothing's better than doing burpies while hearing your favorite Three Days Grace song or humming along to "Down With the Sickness" by Disturbed.

Must do in Charleston

Halloween is coming up... You know what that means... BOONE HALL FRIGHT NIGHT! Boone Hall hosts a spooky celebration every year with haunted houses, scary tours, and pumpkin patches! It's so much fun! Why not give it a try...If you and your family are brave enough to attend...

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