WOD 10/23/2015
STRENGTH: Jerk / Push Press 6×6@ working up to 80% of your 1RM Push Press (set 1= Push Press, 2 = Jerk, 3 = Push Press...etc) Conditioning: In teams of two, with only one person working at a time, complete the following: 200 Wall Balls (20/14) 600 Meter Overhead Carry (45/25 lb plate) 200 Push-Ups 600 Meter Overhead Carry (45/25 lb plate) During carry, you must perform 3 burpees* each every time you switch the partner carrying the load. *Burpees may be completed inside the gym at the end of each Carry, you must count them on your trip. Attribution: CF Invictus Post WOD Mobility: PVC Roll Spine for extension (arch with headback) Ready State: accumulate 10 minutes in the bottom of your squat today