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Gym News and Updates

Iron Bridge Athlete - Jen Randall

What was your fitness background and what brought you to Iron Bridge CrossFit?

My athletic background was basically working out at various globo gyms. I always wanted to try CrossFit, and got hooked on that. Then when my first CrossFit gym closed, I decided to check out IBCF, and loved it.

How has CrossFit improved your life inside and outside the gym?

Oh boy, where do I start? CrossFit has definitely made me better, faster, and stronger inside the gym. I have hit PR's and goals that I would have never imagined. However, outside the gym, my life has improved greatly. I feel better about myself, have more confidence, and walk around knowing that I can do more than I ever gave myself credit for. I have also become one of CrossFit, and IBCF's, biggest advocates, because I truly believe in the process and have seen the results first hand.

What has been your favorite moment at IBCF?

There are so many favorite personal moments! A few of them are when I made it onto the leader board, when I hit a back squat over 200lbs, but my all time favorite moment was when I got a "perfect" clean in barbell club! However, I really enjoy watching my fellow athletes push to reach their goals. There is nothing more exciting than watching someone you sweat with every day finally hit that PR they have been chasing!

WODs and Movements - what are your favorites and what makes your palms sweat?

I would have to say that my favorite movement is the clean and jerk, thrusters, and pretty much anything with a barbell. (Even though snatches don't love me back) I also really enjoy hand stand push ups now that they are really starting to come together. Right now, I really hate double unders, but I think that is because I can't do them well... yet!

One piece of advice for someone new to CrossFit

The one thing I would tell any athlete new to CrossFit would be to not worry about what everyone else around you is doing. I promise everyone else is suffering with you, and no one is paying attention or judging you. Everyone just has a lot of respect for the fact that you had the courage to just walk through the doors.

What keeps you going in a WOD when your mind is telling you to stop?

Would Andrea and Beth stop right now? No! Keep going!

Anything else you'd like to add

If you have not signed up for barbell yet, do it! It makes all the difference and has improved my lifts greatly!

Must do in Charleston

I have only been here for a year and a half. However, I really loved Botany Bay.

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