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Gym News and Updates

Cross the Bridge Challenge Final Scores

Thanks to all the participants and coaches! We saw some impressive numbers for such a short 30 day challenge. NOW! Listen to me. You made a lifestyle change. You did well. Don't shit the bed and loose your damn mind over the holidays. There is no "wagon" to fall off and get back onto. There is only the bridge that you are crossing. You are either making progress in the right direction or the wrong direction. [I was going to say when you fall of the bridge you die, but that seemed a little extreem.]

Team Rank (this is done by average score per team member so # of members does not matter)

1st Place - Weapon’s of Mass Reduction (and style points for a cool name)

2nd Place - Megan’s Team

3rd Place - Andrea’s Team

Behavior Points - daily logging, took the top 6 for review

Steven Grotsky - 1st

Jeff Mair - 2nd

Chris Hudson - 3rd

Phillis Mair - 4th

Max Eckermoff - 5th

Michelle Hydrick -6th

Fitness Tests - # of reps improved

Phillis Mair - 78 reps

Steven Grotsky - 61 reps

Jeff Mair - 56 reps

Max Eckermoff - 40 reps

Chris Hudson - 36 reps

Michelle Hydrick - 8 reps

Biometrics - lbs and inches (rank was done based on %BW)

Chris Hudson 18lbs, 8 total inches

Steven Grotsky 12lbs, 5 inches

Jeff Mair 13lbs, 10 inches

Michelle Hydrick 4lbs, 6 inches

Max Eckermoff 5lbs, 9 inches

Phillis Mair 1lb, 3 inches

All things combined and weighted

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