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A Thanksgiving Day Story and WOD 11/26/2015

He was born an un assuming runt. Bound to be another statistic among the masses in the hormone injected, antibiotic pumped, Butterball Turkey processing machine. He was bound to a life in a dark warehouse, choking on the feathers of his sick brethren. Eventually he was barely able to support his non-functional muscles. He blindly stubbled through his childhood never being shown how a Turkey should move. No one every showed how to get his midline organized. What did he need to know about a bracing strategy...he was soft.

But he stumbled upon an unassuming blue warehouse with what sounded like music blasting inside. The ground shook as hundreds...maybe thousands of pounds were slamming down from what could be 5, 6...wait maybe 8 feet high. Nervous but excited he walked in the door. As the door shut behind him and he shook hands with the first out of breath, but still smiling, face he encountered, he realized part of him stayed behind that glass door that said Iron Bridge on it. A part that he had no problem leaving behind.

He was a different bird. Although he felt new to this culture it was matter how fast or how strong he was...that they were all in it together. Each one of them was overcoming their own challenges. All of them at different points in their workout had to slay thoughts of failing, convincing themselves that the fatigue was nothing compared to the feeling of accomplishment that will rush over them as they GASP "TIME!"

The rest is history...

He ate clean, trained dirty and made friends along the way. Most of his fowl friends who ate dirty and "worked out" at the globo gym just could not understand.

Some say he rang the PR Bell at Iron Bridge everyday. Others say he never once sacrificed his form for speed. One thing was certain, he cared about this new culture he was part of. He was a leader in a society of overfed, undernourished and soft Americans. His meat was lean, his legs were jucy and he owned the platter.

With a Partner

6 Rounds - alternate rounds

5 Curtis P's (115/75)

7 Box Jump Overs (24/20)

9 Burpees

Rest 3 minutes, then

4 Rounds - one partner works at a time

20 TTB


5 Full Cleans (185/135)

Rest 2 minutes, then

800m Run - both run together

20 OHS (115/75)

20 Reverse Lunges (115/75) w. bar in back rack

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