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Gym News and Updates

Swamp Box WOD Announcement

Registration is now closed!

Thanks to all the affiliates, volunteers and athletes who commited to a Return to the Swamp!

Important points:

  • If you have not completed the waiver, do that here NOW!

  • Heat Times will Post on Thursday. You will have about 4hrs to complete these 3 WODs. We will start with the first heat at about 8:30am and the last heat should be wrapping up by about 2:30pm. We will do placing as soon as possible after the last WOD finishes.

  • We will have burgers and sausages for sale as well as water, killcliff, SFH recover and pre-WOD, but if you require anything else bring it with you.



AMRAP in 10 minutes - one partner works at a time

RX 100 DUs 50 Pull-ups 50 Burpees 50 T2B 50 KB Snatch (55/35)

50 Box Jump Over (24/20) Scaled 100 Singles 50 Box Jumps (24/20) step ups / downs are allowed 50 Burpees 50 Russian KB Swings (55/35)


For Time: DT + Karen + Grace - one partner works at a time Rx 5rounds: 12 DL - 9 HC - 6 S2OH (155/105) 150 WBs (20/14) 30 Power Clean and Jerks (135/95) Scaled 5rounds: 12 DL - 9 HC - 6 S2OH (95/65) 150 WBs (20/14) - 9' target 30 Power Clean and Jerks (95/65) 15min CAP DT Completion Recorded as a tie break Unfinished Reps Recorded if you cap out Total Time Recorded


Max Effort

2 RM Front Squat from the rack *Each team will have 6 min to warm up on the platform, bars will need to be stripped by the start time. Each team will have 6 min to record their max.

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