WOD 12/23/2015 - 12 Days of Christmas
This WOD is performed just like the song...on the 1st day of Christmas the WOD post gave to me - 1st - one Curtis P;...on the 2nd day.of Christmas the WOD post gave to me 2nd - two handstand push ups and 1st - one Curtis P ;...on the 3rd day...and so on. Bars are (95/65) 1st - one Curtis P 2nd - two handstand push ups 3rd - three front squats 4th - four nasty thrusters 5th - five power cleans 6th - six wallballs (20/14) 7th - seven double unders 8th - eight perfect push ups 9th - nine burpee pullups 10th - ten deep bar lunges (front rack) 11th - eleven push presses 12th - 1200 meters (run)