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Iron Bridge Athlete - Timo Gerlings

What was your fitness background and what brought you to Iron Bridge CrossFit?

I did a lot of different sports my entire life, I swam, ran, played soccer and tennis. After I moved to Charleston, I wanted to try something new. A friend of mine already did crossfit and told me that it is fun and also a good way to get to know people. IBCF was the first box I found online.

How has CrossFit improved your life inside and outside the gym?

Right after every single Crossfit class, while laying on the floor, trying to catch a breath, I'm asking myself, why am I doing all this and is it worth all the muscle soreness, grunting and sweat? The answer is simple: YES Crossfit helped me to have more faith in myself, push my limits always a little bit further and be more self-confident about goals that might be scary at first. I am more energetic during the day and don't eat as much crap as I did before. Technique and not being hurt are my most important goals working out. At IBCF, all the coaches and every single person I've worked out with, helped me get better and more fit than I ever was or felt before.

What has been your favorite moment at IBCF?

My first and only ring muscle up. The feeling after pushing myself up was just pure joy and pride. Unfortunately, I didn't continue working on the rmu's so I have to start all over again getting into the movement.

WODs and Movements - what are your favorites and what makes your palms sweat?

I like technical, difficult, Olympic lifts even when I'm easily getting frustrated if I'm not doing them right. But achieving a new PR in a technical movement gives me a good feeling. Full snatches are my favorite. Wall balls are my least favorite movement.

One piece of advice for someone new to CrossFit

Overcome the fear of doing something wrong. Everybody at IBCF has been there. The coaches and community you're growing into will help you every single time you're struggling and you'll be surprised what you're able to achieve

What keeps you going in a WOD when your mind is telling you to stop?

The knowledge that the pain won't last forever, everybody is going through the same misery, and the taste of success is so sweet.

Anything else you'd like to add

A big thank you to all coaches and everybody at IBCF. Every single person in this awesome community helped me not just through tough workouts, but also to make Charleston the new place where I feel at home and whenever I enter the box I'm with friends.

Must do in Charleston

Walk through downtown Charleston, the plantations, and over the Arthur Ravenel Jr. bridge. So many beautiful places and scenes to explore


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