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Gym News and Updates

Iron Warriors Crossfit Kids Program Spring Schedule Announced!

Iron Warriors Crossfit Kids Program at Iron Bridge Crossfit!

“Your kids are STRONG and SPECIAL! Let’s keep them that way!” - IBCF

Spring Program Schedule and Dates:

Mondays and Wednesdays, 3:45 - 4:30 (3:45 - 3:55 open gym; 3:55 - 4:30 class)

February 15th - March 23th

April 11th - May 18th

Open to Kids of ALL ability level, ages 7 - 11; no expereince needed, just the desire to have FUN!

Registration available online now for the 2/16 - 3/24 session!

Click here to register now!

or click here for additional information about Iron Warriors and Coach Megan (!

Kids doing Crossfit?!? YES, absolutely!

The Iron Warriors Crossfit Kids program at IBCF was developed with a mission to build a solid foundation of health and wellness in America’s youth. We want younger generation to understand the importance of taking care of their bodies, and that a little hard work can be fun and pay off!

While Crossfit makes people better (i.e. health, wellness, weight loss/gain, strength gains, competitive: with yourself and others), Crossfit Kids makes better people by empowering kids, creating a lifelong positive definition of fitness, addressing health risks/concerns, and building a community!

Crossfit Kids was developed in 2005 and “is a method for teaching Greg Glassman’s CrossFit to children ages 3-18. Based on the principle of Mechanics, Consistency and then Intensity, CrossFit Kids emphasizes good movement throughout childhood and adolescence. Which translates to physical literacy, enhanced sports performance and fewer sports injuries for kids. Not only that, a vast body of research indicates that exercise is beneficial to cognitive function, which means consistent adherence to the program can have a positive impact on children’s academic achievement.” (

What does that mean to you and your kiddo? BIG fun for all ages!! “Broad-Inclusive-General fun; Fun means we provide an active alternative to sedentary pursuits, which means less childhood obesity and all-around better health for our children. Our program is scalable for any age or experience level allowing varied maturation status in one class.

What to Expect and What Not to Expect from the Iron Warriors Program

Expect This:

  • learning how to move WELL

  • repetition

  • movement lessons - squat, deadlift, press

  • practice in the 10 General Physical Skills (agility, accuracy, balance, coordination, endurance, flexibility, power, speed, strength, stamina)

  • introduction to nutrition - what is protein? carbohydrate? fat? Identifying foods that represent each

  • short AMRAP WODs (workout of the day)

  • GAMES!!!!!! SO many Games!!!!

Do NOT Expect This:

  • adult barbells, weights, loaded movements

  • inappropriate, loud music

  • competition, scoring or being “out,”

  • workout recording/journaling

  • long, grueling WODs

  • your child walking around shirtless or in a sports bra

  • exercise related punishment/discipline

Keep your kid moving this spring with the Iron Warriors Crossfit Kids program where BIG FUN is the whole idea!


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