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Gym News and Updates

WOD 2/1/2016

Strength: 3-3-3 Full Clean, Final Set of Max rep unbroken deadlifts with the load from your last set of cleans. Conditioning: For Time: 3 Bear Complex Sequences (135/95) 800 meter Run 3 Bear Complex Sequences (135/95) 600 meter Run 3 Bear Complex Sequences (135/95) 400 meter Run A single Bear Complex Sequence looks like this... 1-Power Clean 1-Front Squat 1-Shoulder to Overhead 1-Back Squat 1-Shoulder to Overhead Skill Work: Skin the Cat Post WOD Mobility: PVC Roll Upper and Lower Calf Ball Roll shin and outside of lower leg Ready State: accumulate 10 minutes in the bottom of your squat today


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