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Gym News and Updates

If one thing in your life should be ELITE its your HEALTH and FITNESS.

We created Iron Bridge with a team of coaches that care about one thing. To do our best to fix the wellness problems that our local community and this country is fighting. Stated more efficiently to Un-f*&ck the world...yes, that is a little abrupt and not so PC, but neither are we and we are that serious about it. In reality, its not for lack of effort that our friends, families and aquaintenses are fat, sick and nearly dead (on netflix) Yes some people are lazy, but even lazy people WANT to fix thier health. The problems we find our athletes face is bad information, ineffective training and "workouts" that don't address what you need in your daily life.

And don't get me started on nutrition. My first thought while writing this was to recommend you watch FedUp (also on netflix), but I realized unless you are in the right circle of people you won't see half of the problems with the folks they interview. It was litterally sad to watch these parents and kids who "think" they are doing the right things and only getting closer to their own graves.

I digress...back to the point. We are here because we are passionate about fixing people and I took a stab at summarizing how we do it. OUR FOCUS Is on your goals and providing you with the strength, conditioning, core, mobility and nutritional knowledge that will get you to your short term goals and will absolutely change your life. HOW DO WE DO THAT? We prioritize quality movement. We understand that optimal posture and position generates power, speed and most importantly, injury free athletes. We train for life outside the gym!

We provide COMPLETE, EFFECTIVE training. This includes the best of resistance training (power and weightlifting), gymnastics, endurance, mobility and nutrition. These are all necessary components that humans need...I mean real humans, not the cushy disease destined average American that resembles a human.


Our coaches are advanced and carry multiple certifications which allows us to provide the highest quality coaching in the area. Our coaches TRAIN HARD. We aren't here to watch you work. We are here to work with you and show you how to train.

We keep our classes small so you get the attention you deserve and so that you are moving in a safe and effective manor.

You're also training with other athletes. The more you get to know the faces you see in the gym, the more your health and fitness will become a priority in your life. You've heard "you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with". Well if you spend a lot of time with us you're going to hit above average levels of health, fitness and wellness. It sounds simple, but it actually is (look for a future post on goals and behaviors for more on that).

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