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Do you "train" or do you "workout"?...wait there's a difference?

YES. Absolutly there is.

In its simplest terms think of working out as trying to out run or undo the behaviors in your everyday activity that negatively impact your health and fitness. Those negatives can be anything from a day of binge eating to sitting all day in a car or office chair.

Think of Training as calculated behaviors that take you to a goal that you have established by a point in time that you've set your mind on. Your goal may be to add 20lbs to your deadlift, improve your time on a particular conditioning workout, or improve your squat mobility.

When you put your mind in a state that has you training for a goal and you're commited to testing yourself by a target date, you will consciously outline a set of behaviors that help you get to that generate a plan. Even more amazing, you subconsciously establish a forward path and you will actually make every day behavior changes that help you get to that goal. Once you get started momentum builds and after a few days of following your plan it starts to feel like a train running full steam headed straight to your goal.

When you are training you are driving opposed to "working out" to countinually out run the sickness that is chasing you. I'd certainly rather be driving a big ass train at high speed than running from something ;).

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