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Paleo Power: A True Story

Carbo-loading was the first thing I learned when I started running marathons and later on doing some Iron Man competitions. You would read books about simple sugars and how to utilize them during races. So my diet would consist of carbs and sugar during workouts and races. I remember after reading the Ultra Marathon Man by Dean Karnazes I did everything he did. During our training runs of 30 to 50 miles we would order a pizza and eat it and then I specifically remember during my first iron Man competition I had shaken up flat Pepsi bottles to chug for their simple sugar during the race. I incorporated this diet throughout other aspects of my life even when I wasn’t training.

Over the past four years living overseas before Charleston, my diet collapsed and I stopped competing and working out. Then I came to Ironbridge, and all this Paleo talk was buzzing around. Who knew sugar and carbs were so bad, and by bad I mean literally deadly? The Paleo Challenge really opened up my eyes to processed foods and why we eat them. We eat the processed foods for convenience, but it is at a cost, and that cost is our health and well-being. I always wondered how could someone as fit as me when I was doing Iron Man races and a newly commissioned officer in the Navy have high blood pressure? I was literally swimming, biking, and running, whenever I wasn’t doing anything else. After all these years as an adult, I realized it’s my diet! Paleo has changed how I do things. Yes, I have to go to the grocery store more; yes, it is more expensive buying organic, but how can I put a price on my health? I plan my diet and meals throughout the week, and I did have to buy books about how and what to do (I recommend NOM NOM Paleo by Michelle Tam).

Now, I have more energy, not just during the WOD’s but, during the day as well. I have a better attitude and in general feel better. I am literally a walking/talking Paleo billboard. I have always said that if I can do it anyone can! I’m not special; I just picked up a book, jump rope, and a barbell and got my butt to the gym. I had Meg as my coach and she always made sure to impart amazing advice, and participating in a team challenge helped even more because everyone helped everyone, ranging from recipes to support. Weight loss, better concentration, and lower blood pressure are the three main benefits that I truly enjoy the most. Put down the Twinkies and sodas, and pick up some coconut oil and eggs! I never thought I could participate in a Crossfit competition and I have. Next stop with this diet and training will be to participate in the RX competition and show what a body powered by Paleo can really do. I’d like to thank all the coaches and 6AMer’s for always pushing and supporting me. Everything from Ironbridge to Paleo has changed my life for the better, and it hasn’t even been a year. I can only imagine the future!

Steve and Chris after their Crossfit Competition!

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