IBCF 2016 Crossfit Open Recap Part II: All the Feels
Coach Seth being held up by Coach and Owner, Keith Adamson post 16.5!
The workouts, movements, and preparation are only a part of what the Crossfit Open is about at Iron Bridge Crossfit. It is also about community, inspiration, self discovery, and setting goals for the future. We even took the opportunity to celebrate Coach Seth as he moves on with his new career goals in California.
In Part II of the IBCF Recap, athletes discuss just these things. Warning: good vibes below...
IBCF: Did the Open inspire any new goals for you in 2016?
Chris Hooley: “Definitely…it exposes your weaknesses. I need to figure out how to breathe through the WODs and manage my heart rate. A few specific exercises that I’d like to become more proficient on or stronger are toes to bar, butterfly pullups, bar & ring muscle ups, rope climbs, and snatch…….”
Jeffery Thomas: “Get back to the level I was about 1.5yrs ago - just need to re-dedicate on the diet/nutrition and be consistent with my workouts.”
Anthony Lehn: “I would like to be back in the top 500 in the southeast. I would love to drop back in the top 250 but I'm not sure that's feasible at this point in time. This open taught me to enjoy the process. Working out is meant to be fun. It's not about where you stand or how well you do in a competition. It's not my job so make sure to always have fun when I'm working out.” *IBCF Best Answer Award
(Another great point from Anthony! Are you having FUN on your journey?? If not, it's time to start!)
James Simon: “I would really like to place in the top 20% of the World, Region, and State and Top 10 in my gym.”
Nate Jones: “Yes. I came to IBCF a few months ago originally not caring much about my Crossfit performance, and was mainly looking to use it as a tool to enhance other pursuits. However, all of the Open workouts drove me to learn a new movement or become better at movements I could do but was terrible at, and that rapid progression and fun atmosphere made me look at Crossfit totally differently. After the Open, I have a goal of being as good at this as I can possibly get.”
IBCF: Talk to us about Friday Night Lights and INSPIRATION!
Kelly McGinley: “Evaline inspired me. She's so strong and those abs are killer! She pushed
herself to the brink and that's really inspiring to see, especially after I learned she had back surgery. Seeing her push herself to the limit in 16.5 made me really want to get back on the bar and go for round 2. (Kidding! But it definitely made me realize that I can work harder!)” *IBCF Best Answer Award
Coach Andrea Duer: “I loved it! There is something about everyone getting together on a Friday night to put their all out on the line. It was amazing to see people reach their goals, and even better to watch people surpass them. Even watching people become defeated is all part of the community as well. It sucks to see someone let them-self down, but watching the community lift them back up is truly what makes CrossFit spectacular. The energy was amazing! Even if it made me hoarse from yelling over everyone each time.”
James Simons: “It was really inspiring to see everyone going for it. Most of us had moves that we either didn’t think we could do or weren’t proficient at. People weren’t letting the fear of failure keep them from attempting each workout. The coaches were very helpful with sharing their strategies for success and offering words of encouragement along the way.”
Meg McConnell: “It was inspiring to see all of the athletes and coaches push themselves even more than usual, it made me want to work harder so that I could be like them.”
Jenny Kelly: “I came to 16.4. I loved watching everyone push through, even though it was a soul crusher! My favorite moment was watching coach Megan get off the rower and crank out 21 hspu with only 90 seconds left!!! So impressive!”
Steve Grotsky: “My favorite Friday nights light moment was watching Jeff Mair attempt the handstand pushups. I’ve never seen someone put forth so much effort to complete a movement I take for granted sometimes. That is what I like most about Crossfit, you always have to learn and can never remain complacent. It identifies your weaknesses and allows you to work at them. Jeff never gave up, he persevered, and he just showed what heart can do. I knew I wasn’t going to win the open, but that didn’t stop me from pushing my body and mind to the limits.” *IBCF Best Answer Award
Big John McConnell: “I was inspired by the people getting their first muscle ups this year because that was me during last year's Open.”
Ann Gallacher: “I think FNL emphasized what a great community CF is and I will really encourage any of my friends who are struggling in Planet Fitness/Golds to attend the Open or any Open Houses you have because I think that aspect is HUGE.”
Coach Megan Flora: “I was SO impressed with Coach Andrea’s performance on 16.2. Her sheer power pushing through the cleans at 145 was amazing; I want to be her when I grow up.”
Jake Cummings: “IBCF has great coaches and members. I really appreciate the support, especially having just started Crossfit. Looking forward to more improvements ahead!”
Joey Vazquez: “Above all, Our gym and our people inspired me the most. From cheering each other on, to being encouraging judges, to even supplying me with liquids mid 16.4 (thank you James). This was the environment I wanted and need to be successful now and in the future.” *IBCF Best Answer Award
All the Feels (and the funnies):
Coach Andrea Duer: “I think my favorite moment in the open was when Anthony laid down in the middle of 16.2, then he kind of crawled his way over to the rig. Can always count on Anthony to find the most comfortable resting position!”
Anthony Lehn: “Favorite open moment was beating Potter in 16.5. Nough said.”
Jeffery Thomas: “Favorite FNL moment OR Open moment: Seth's last WOD - we'll miss that guy!”
Kelly McGinley: “My favorite Open moment was when I was able to pull a 115# squat clean when I was so totally gassed after 3 failed attempts. And then I went on to pull 2 more!! That was sooo awesome! My back was killing me the next day, but it was totally worth it. That was the best feeling ever.”
Nate Jones: “Did you learn anything about your fellow IBCF community/coaches? They're all basically superheroes. Favorite Open moment: Probably hanging out and having a beer after 16.1 ended. It was really cool to see most of the ICBF community together like that. It's not an atmosphere I've ever seen in a gym before.”
Big John McConnell: “I learned that the community is getting a hell of a lot fitter and I need to get my shit together..”
Joey Vazquez: “I came to all Friday night lights. I loved it, but really loved the Seth going away night, sad but so awesome to hang with everyone outside the gym.”
Joey - you also win the award for best photo moment of the 2016 Open!
Iron Bridge Crossfit would like to say a HUGE thank you to our community for an awesome five weeks! This is only the beginning! Take this momentum, inspiration, and drive to the next level of your training - we're all behind you!
Iron Bridge Crossfit 2016 Crossfit Open...in the books!