WOD 9/9/2015
Strength: WEIGHTLIFTING: 1 Jerk EMOM for 10 min POWER: Shoulder Press 3@70%- 3@80%- 3+@90% + 5 Ring Rows between each set ...
WOD 8/29/2015 - IS AT THE BEACH
Gym is closed! See you there. All the details for the beach WOD (click here) Significant others and kids welcome! #WOD
WOD 8/28/2015
Strength: 2 DLs + 1 Hang Power Clean EMOM for 10 min Conditioning: Two rounds untimed in any order: Row 500 Meters 10 Tire Flips or...
WOD 8/27/2015
Conditioning: AMRAP in 5 Min 10 Push Ups 10 WBs (20/14) rest 2 min AMRAP in 5 Min 10 Toes to Bar 10 Jumping Lunges Skill Work:...
WOD 8/26/2015
Strength: POWER: Sumo Stance Dead Lift 5-5-5 de load do not exceed 60% of DL 1RM Conditioning: 4 rounds for time 10 Push Press...
WOD 8/25/2015
Strength: WEIGHTLIFTING: Work to a 2RM Jerk POWER: 5-5-5 de load do not exceed 60% of 1RM Conditioning: Every minute, on the minute,...
WOD 8/24/2015
Strength: WEIGHTLIFTING: Snatch 3-3-1-1 work to a heavey single ~2min per set POWER: Back Squat 5-5-5 de load do not exceed 60% of 1RM ...
WOD 8/21/2015
POWER: Front Squat 5@75%-3@85%-1+@95%(max reps) Conditioning: For time: Run 400m 30 Ring Rows 40 Burpees 50 Wall Ball Shots Run...
WOD 8/20/2015
Conditioning: In teams of three, complete five rounds (each will do every station 5 times) for time of: Run 400 Meters 25 Goblet...
WOD 8/19/2015
Strength: POWER: Deadlift 5@75%-3@85%-1+@95%(max reps) Conditioning: For time: Run 800 Meters 15 Deadlifts 30 PushUps Run 400...