WOD 1/22/2016
Strength: Back Squats 3×10@70% Conditioning: 4 RFT 400m Run 30 ft Handstand Walk 20 Slamball Sit Ups (30/20) Skill Work: ...
WOD 1/21/2016
STRENGTH: EMOM for 10 min - Snatch Grip DL; Hang Snatch (full squat); OHS Conditioning: AMRAP in 7min 15 WBs (20/14) 20 DUs (or DU...
WOD 1/20/2016
SKILL 12 minutes of pistol progressions Conditioning: 3 RFT 10 DL (185/135) 20 Pull-Ups (scale up 7 MUs) 15 Box Jumps Skill Work:...
WOD 1/18/2016
Strength: Shoulder Press 3×10@70% 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Ring Dips Toes to Bar KBS (55/35) Ring Rows Skill Work: Ring Muscle Up ...
WOD 1/18/2016
Strength: Hang Power Clean 5-5-5-5 7 RFT 3 Power Cleans (135/95 lbs) 6 Front Squats (135/95 lbs) 9 Push-Ups Skill Work: Skin the...
WOD 1/15/2016
STRENGTH: OHS 4-4-4 as heavey as you can go. 2 sec pause at bottom EMOM for 5 min, 6 strict pullups With a partner, 200m tire flips....
WOD 1/14/2016
STRENGTH: Ring Complex 5 rounds of 1 Skin the cat + 2 Ring pull-ups Conditioning 5 rounds for time of 5 Deadlifts 275/185 100m...
WOD 1/13/2016
Conditioning: 5 rounds onf 7 sets of this complex 1 Full clean 1 Jerk 1 Thruster 1 Hang Clean 1 Push press Un-timed, add weight...
WOD 1/12/2016
STRENGTH: Front Squat 3×4@80% Conditioning: 4 RFT 15 KBS (55/35) 10 reverse lunge(95/65) 10 push press (95/65) 400 m run OPEN...
WOD 1/11/2016
STRENGTH: 4 sets of this Clean Complex - DL; HC; then 2 power cleans Conditioning Four sets for max reps in 3 minutes: Run 100...