WOD 3/30/2016
Warm Up 1200m Indian Run Strength Back Squat 3-3-3-2-2-1 Work up to heavy for the day WOD EMOM 10 25 Double Unders 2 Muscle Ups Both...
WOD 3/29/2016
Warm Up 8 Minutes (Slow) 10 Empty Bar Thrusters 8 Ring Dips Strength Power Clean 3-3-3-2-2-1 Drop and reset each rep Work up to Heavy...
WOD 3/28/2016
Warm Up 3 Slow Rounds 10 Hang Cleans w/ barbell 10 Ring Rows 10 OH Walking Lunges w/ empty barbell Strength 4x1 Clean and Jerk Heavy...
WOD 3/25/2016
16.5!!!! Last One!!! #WOD
WOD 3/24/2016
Warm Up 200m Foward Run 400m Backward Run 200m Forward Run WOD 12 EMOM Even-10 KB Snatches Odd-10 Strict Pull Ups then 21-15-9 Burpee Box...
WOD 3/23/2016
Warm Up Bring Sally Up (Air Squat) Skill 100 Hollow Rocks Strength 5x5 Front Squat @75% WOD 5 AMRAP 5 Deadlifts (135/95) 5 Hang Power...
WOD 3/22/2016
Warm Up 8 AMRAP (SLOW) 5 Stict Pull Ups 10 GHD or Ab Mat Sit ups 20 Air Squats Skill 3 Rounds 50ft or Best Effort Hand Stand Walk Max...
WOD 3/21/2016
Warm Up 200m RUn 20 Ring Rows 200m Run 20 Push Ups 200m Run 20 Pass Throughs Strength Clean !2 EMOM 1-High Hang 2-Hang 3-Floor WOD 3...
WOD 3/18/2016
16.4!!! Good Luck!! #WOD
WOD 3/17/2016
Warm Up 30 Cal Row 30 GHD Sit Ups WOD AMRAP 6 5 Power Snatch (135/95) 5 OHS (135/95) 10 Box Jump Overs (24/20) EMOM 8 25 Double Unders 8...