WOD 2/22/2016
Warm Up 5 Rounds Cindy 5 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups 15 Air Squats Strength 8 EMOM 2 Jerks (Work to Heavy Double) WOD 15 AMRAP 1 Power Clean...
WOD 2/19/2016
Warm Up Coaches Choice Strength 10 EOMOM 5 Back Squat Rest 5 min 10 EMOM (Moderate Load with perfect form) 1 Snatch Balance 1 OHS WOD...
WOD 2/18/2016
Warm Up 8 AMRAP (Slow) 10 Empty Bar Thrusters 8 Ring Dips WOD Partner WOD 3 Rounds Partner 1 500M Row Partner 2 MAX HSPU Partner 2 500M...
WOD 2/17/2016
Warm Up 10min of Skin the Cat skill work to warm up shoulders for snatch Strength Snatch 15min to work up to heavy single (Work with a...
WOD 2/16/2016
Warm Up 1-mile run WOD EMOM (Until failure, 20 min cap) Odd-6 Clean and Jerks (135/95) Even-10 Burpees Tabata (8 min) Plank V-Ups #WOD
WOD 2/15/2016
Warm Up 3 Rounds 5 Hang Muscle Cleans 5 Hang Power Cleans 5 Hang Cleans (With Barbell) Strength 6 EMOM 1-High Hang Clean 1-Hang Clean...
WOD 2/12/2016
Warm Up Coaches Choice Strength 10 EOMOM (Every other min) 5 Front Squats (Between 65-75% of 1RM) WOD Triple One and Half 1500M Row 150...
WOD 2/11/2016
Warm Up Partner Warm UP 800m Medball Run Switch between partners at anytime. WOD With a Partner 20 Rounds 10 PVC Jump Overs (Set up PVC...
WOD 2/10/2015
Warm Up 15-12-9 Box Jump Overs (24"/20") KBS (55/35) Strength Dead Lift 1x6@65% 1x5@75% 1x4@85% 1x1@95% WOD 12 AMRAP 10 Hand Release Push...
WOD 2/9/2016
Warm Up 3 Rounds 200m Row 8 Thrusters (95/65) WOD 5-4-3-2-1 OHS (205/145) Rope Climbs (Taken from the ground) Rest 5 Min 3 Rounds 3 Squat...