WOD 10/27/2015
STRENGTH: Squat 5×5*as many sets as you can at @80% Conditioning: 3 RFT 30 KBS (55/35) 20 Pull-Ups Run 400 Meters Skill Work: ...
WOD 10/26/2015 - the right one ;)
STRENGTH: Snatch 5×5* last set should be around @80% Conditioning: 4 Rounds for Time 10 Toes To Bar 15 Power Snatches (115/75) 20...
WOD 10/23/2015
STRENGTH: Jerk / Push Press 6×6@ working up to 80% of your 1RM Push Press (set 1= Push Press, 2 = Jerk, 3 = Push Press...etc) ...
WOD 10/22/2015
Program Notes: Make Up a Day you missed or Athlete's Choice Conditioning: For Time : 20 Pull Ups 800m 12 Power Cleans (155/115) ...
WOD 10/21/2015
STRENGTH: Front Squat 6×6@ last 2 sets at 80% Conditioning: in Heats of 3... 3 Rounds for individual times Row 500 Meters 30 Ring...
WOD 10/20/2015
Clean 6×6 working up to 80% - first 3 reps are full, last 3 reps are power Conditioning: AMRAP in 9 min 15 Box Jumps (24/20 MAX...
WOD 10/19/2015
Cross the Bridge Challenge Day 1. Wait till you see the shred on these athletes after 30 days! CTB Test 12min AMRAP 6 Clean and Jerks...
WOD 10/16/2015
STRENGTH: Deadlift 6×5@80% Conditioning: 5 Rounds for Quality 5 Upright Rows (95/65) 5 Ground to Overhead (95/65) 5 Good Mornings...
WOD 10/15/2015
Program Notes: Make Up a Day you missed or Athlete's Choice Conditioning: 4RFT 15 Deadlifts (135/95) 12 Hang Power Cleans 9 Front...
WOD 10/14/2015
STRENGTH: Press 6×5@80% Conditioning: 50 PullUps 25 WBs (20/14) 50 PushUps 25 WBs 50 Burpees 25 WBs Post WOD Mobility: 2...