WOD 4/15/2016
Warm Up Coaches Choice Strength EMOM for 20 minutes Odd minutes- 3 clean pulls from floor Even minutes- 1 Clean WOD 5 Minutes of Rowing...
WOD 4/14/2016
Warm Up 15-10-5 Jump Squats Scap Push Ups Shoulder Activators on the bar 2 times through for Regional and Open 1 minute static plank hold...
WOD 4/13/2016
Warm Up Squat Therapy Coaches Choice between holding the rig, using some plates, or just time in the bottom of the squat. Skill Work...
WOD 4/12/2016
Warm Up Coaches Choice Strength 10 min to establish max weight without removing hands from bar 2 Power Cleans 2 Front Squats 2 Shoulder...
WOD 4/11/2016
Warm Up 30s High knees 30s Squat Jumps 30s Burpees 30s Lunges 30s Mountain climbers 30s Burpees Snatch/Shoulder Warm Up Strength...
WOD 4/8/2016
The Seven 7 rounds for time 7 Handstand push-ups 7 thrusters (135,95) 7 knees to elbows 7 Deadlifts (245,165) 7 Burpees 7...
WOD 4/7/2016
Warm Up Coaches Choice Strength 30 Clean and Jerks for quality (185/135) WOD Amanda 9-7-5 Squat Snatch Muscle Ups 2:1 C2B if you don't...
WOD 4/6/2016
Warm Up One time through 20 Pull-ups 20 burpees 20 hollow rocks 20 air squats Medball Clean Skill work Strength EMOM 10 1 Power Clean 1...
WOD 4/5/2016
Warm Up With an empty barbell 3 time through 10 Hang Power Cleans 10 Thrusters 10 Good Mornings WOD 1 5 Rounds 10 Front Squats...
WOD 4/4/16
Warm Up 5 Min of consecutive jump rope :40 of singles :20 of doubles 5 Rounds-No rest Strength Back Squat 20min Work up to 5RM WOD 40...