WOD 2/8/2016
Warm Up 3 Rounds 5 Hang Muscle Snatches 5 Hang Power Snatches(PVC or Barbell) 10 Air Squats 100M Run Strength 6 EMOM 3 Position Snatch...
WOD 2/5/2016
Strength: 3×8@73% Back Squat Conditioning: Break up into 2 heats. Heat 2 counts for heat 1 then switch 2 min to complete a 100m...
WOD 2/4/2016
EMOM for 8 min - 1 full snatch, 1 OHS Conditioning: 7 rounds for time of 5 Deadlifts 5 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups Skill Work: Ring...
WOD 2/3/2016
SKILL DAY: 10 minutes of Pistol Progressions Conditioning: For Time : 21-15-9 TTB Box Jumps Burpees Skill Work: Bar Muscle Up ...
WOD 2/2/2016
Strength: 3-3-3-3 Shoulder Press Conditioning: AMRAP in 12min 2 HSPU 2 1 ARM KBS (2 reps each arm @ 55/35)) 4 HSPU 4 1 ARM KBS ...
WOD 2/1/2016
Strength: 3-3-3 Full Clean, Final Set of Max rep unbroken deadlifts with the load from your last set of cleans. Conditioning: For...
WOD 1/29/2016
Strength: Complex 6 sets of 1 hang snatch, 1 full snatch Conditioning: 21-15-9 Pull Ups KBS (55/35) Box Jumps (24/20) Skill Work:...
WOD 1/28/2016
Strength EMOM for 9min - 1 rope climb (try legless) Conditioning: In any order, broken up any way you like 60 WBs 50 Ring Dips 40...
WOD 1/27/2016
Strength Back Squart 6-6-6-6 approx 70% Conditioning: 800m Run 50 Power Cleans (95/65) 100 Air Squats 50 Burpees 800m Run Skill...
WOD 1/26/2016
Program Notes: Medball DB Press to dynamic pushups on Medball Strength: Conditioning: With a partner, alternate rounds 14 minutes...